Have You Lost Your Invisalign Aligners?

November 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — wdcchicago @ 4:28 am
Invisalign aligners are spread out on a blank surface

At one time, getting straighter, more aligned teeth meant wearing bulky metal braces. Now, people have the option of a more discreet, flexible orthodontic: Invisalign. Removable clear aligners are used to move your teeth to their desired position over time. Although one of the major appeals of Invisalign is the ease of taking them out (versus the stuck-in-place traditional braces), you also risk losing them and possibly delaying your treatment progress. Here is what you can do if your aligners go missing so you can stay on track to your picture-perfect smile!

Stay Calm and Retrace Your Steps

Don’t worry! You are not the first one to ever lose your aligners. It is a perfectly solvable problem. Take a deep breath. Being stressed out will only shut your brain down and keep you from thinking clearly.

So, now it’s time to retrace your steps! Aligners often get lost when they are taken out while you are eating or drinking something. You might have wrapped them in a napkin to keep them safe or placed them on a tray near your plate, which could lead to them being mistaken for garbage. Take a thorough look near your dining area and in any nearby trash bins.  

Invisalign trays can also get misplaced during athletic adventures or sports activities. It is wise to take them out during a practice or game and wear a mouthguard instead. Checking around your locker, as well as in the bag with your belongings, might lead you to find them. If you do happen to find your aligners, be sure to clean them before placing them in your mouth.

Call Your Dentist for the Next Steps

If you are still unable to locate your aligners despite your best efforts, the next step is to call your dentist as soon as you are able. Usually, there will be two options given:

  1. Switch to a new set of aligners. This may be possible if you were only a few days from moving on to the next aligners in your treatment. Be sure to do this only with your dentist’s approval; moving to your new aligners too quickly can cause significant discomfort and other issues.
  2. Return to wearing an old set of aligners. Wearing a previous aligner can prevent your teeth from shifting too far out of place while you wait for your orthodontist to receive a replacement for the one that got lost.

Reaching out to your dentist is the best thing to do and will lead you—and your smile—in the best direction while you wait for your replacement aligners.

How to Keep Your Aligners Safe

It’s wise to put some set practices into place to minimize the chances of misplacing your aligners. Use these simple tips to keep your them from disappearing:

  • Always put your aligners in their case when you take them out. Having a brightly colored case can be easier to keep track of.
  • Have a dedicated and consistent place where you place your case.
  • Keep your aligners in as much as you can. Commit to removing them only when necessary, like eating or drinking something other than water, or cleaning your teeth.
  • Don’t place them on a plate, tray, or wrap them in a napkin as this opens more opportunities for them to be accidentally thrown away or lost.

If your Invisalign trays have suddenly become invisible, there are some simple things to do next. By reviewing these tips and giving your dentist a call, you will soon be back on track to your dream smile!

About the Practice

Washington Dental Care serves Chicago under the expertise of Dr. Peter Hammes and Dr. Giancarlo Cecchini. They offer a range of services, including cosmetic dental care like Invisalign. Their personalized plans and late evening/Saturday hours will keep your smile on track, no matter the problem! To schedule an appointment, contact them through their website or call them at (312) 820-1717.