Do You Have Impacted Wisdom Teeth? 3 Signs to Look For

May 11, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — wdcchicago @ 5:29 pm
Illustration of fully impacted wisdom tooth

Many adolescents and young adults undergo wisdom tooth extractions. Why? Very often, between the ages of 15 and 25, the third molars at the back of the mouth start to cause problems. Without timely extractions, your oral health could suffer significant damage, particularly if the wisdom teeth are impacted (stuck fully or partially beneath the gumline). Do you have impacted wisdom teeth? This blog post explains a few warning signs that you should look for.

You Can Only See/Feel Part of Your Wisdom Teeth

A healthy, fully erupted wisdom tooth has the potential to function as a normal part of your smile. However, most people’s mouths do not have the space to allow the wisdom teeth to fully erupt. As a result, the teeth may partially emerge from the gumline while still remaining partially impacted. If you notice that the teeth at the very back of your mouth seem to be only slightly protruding from the gumline, it is quite likely that they are impacted and may need to be removed.

You Are Experiencing Pain and Discomfort

If your wisdom teeth are completely impacted, you might not be able to see them or even feel them with your tongue. However, they can still cause problems. For example, they might be attempting to erupt at an odd angle, which can cause them to push against nearby teeth. This can cause significant pain and discomfort toward the back of your mouth and in your jaw. Swelling and redness in the gums are common as well. Some people also find it difficult to fully open and close their mouth.

You Have Symptoms of Decay or Infection

Wisdom teeth that are partially erupted can be difficult to clean. They may trap food around them, which could cause them and the adjacent teeth to be more prone to decay. Bad breath, swelling, cysts, and sharp dental sensitivity toward the back of the mouth could all indicate that you have cavities or an infection in one of your wisdom teeth.

Find Out for Sure if You Have Impacted Wisdom Teeth

The only way to know for certain whether you have impacted wisdom teeth — and whether they need to be removed — is to visit a qualified dentist. X-rays can reveal whether you have third molars and whether they may pose a threat to your oral health. Ideally, you should get regular checkups so your dental team can recommend wisdom tooth extractions long before you start to experience painful and troublesome symptoms.

Impacted wisdom teeth can damage your smile! Seek treatment as soon as possible if you believe you have this problem.

Meet the Practice

Washington Dental Care is proud to provide general and emergency dental services to the West Loop neighborhood in Chicago. We focus on offering comfortable, conservative, and top-quality care. If you believe that you or your child needs wisdom tooth extractions, we are ready to consult with you. Contact our friendly team at 312-766-5412.